
About Our College

What began as a desire to contribute and innovate the electronics manufacturing industry through instruction of existing companies and their employees to the highest standards, has evolved into development of an educational platform that is accessible to all. After forging relationships at every level over the last 20 years, the Soldering.Biz team instituted a vocational education system unlike any others in the U.S., The College of Electronics Manufacturing.

Be Successful at CEM

  • 90%

    Student Success Rate

  • 80%

    Graduate Hire Success

  • 98%

    Student Satisfaction


Industry Leaders

The College of Electronics Manufacturing has partnered with industry-leading companies to develop curriculum and lab courses that focus on the development of physical talent in manufacturing, which has become a necessity. Our aim is to change the culture of manufacturing by providing a strong foundation of highly qualified and successful individuals who literally take control of their future with their own hands. The program is designed to trim through the standard 2/4 year degree system, and put the skills to use that are learned over the span of a single month, beginning to end.

Official IPC Certification

Scholorships Available

Industry Leaders

Hands-On Courses


The Future Is Bright


The Future of Electronics Manufacturing

95% of Engineering/Electronics graduates from Colleges and Universities across the U.S. don't have the practical ability to put their degree to work. Hands-On curriculum is not a priority for traditional education formats, leading to most individuals who have a passion in this field to be self taught. There is a strong need for individuals who possess the ability to solder, inspect PCB's, build cable/wire harnesses, and test connectorization in high-level manufacturing jobs, and the College of Electronics Manufacturing is leading the industry in educating individuals to obtain these skills.

Jay Timmons, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, recently pointed out, that manufacturing is expected to create 3.5 million new jobs in the next decade, but will likely face a deficit of 2 million skilled workers. The gap of trained, quality workers to fill these jobs is a serious problem.
